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Site move 2024-08-06 11:10
In the future the site will be moved to a different server so all my sites will be on the one place. Site address will remain the same, only content of the pages on that server will be moved to here.
New mobile style 2023-03-05 14:07
Added a new style for mobile devices, now the site will look more like it's regular look when viewed on mobile devices.
Slight bugfix update 2022-06-26 19:43
Backend updated. Site now appears to work a way faster.
Captcha update 2022-06-23 15:34
Captcha script and related infrastructure updated. It will be harder for spammers to post spam now as there're additional checks in place.
Blog entry translation complete, blog reindexed again 2021-10-29 21:06
After blog entry translation the blog was reindexed. Possible 404 errors when comming from external sites.
Added new placeholder blog entries for translation 2021-10-29 13:51
New placeholder blog entries for translation from the originals were created with their id's included in the titles. These entries currently have no content, the original can be found by visiting original id in the appropriate language.
Gallery and blog entries reindexed, stats reset. Possible 404's when accessing pages from search engines 2021-10-29 10:23
Since gallery and blog entries got reindexed, all of the stats had to be reset too. Also there might be some 404's when accessing from the search engine. You should wait until such search engine updates or alternately search for the page you need while browsing this site.
Translated some old entries, posted with older date to appear from earlier times 2021-10-28 15:01
I've translated some entries in the Blog that does not have a counterpart in the alternate language. After posting them I've changed their date so they would not appear out of order and would not look correct according to their posting time.
Site section support added to comment system 2021-10-28 11:40
All new comments submitted when browsing a section will only be shown when in that same section. The exception is single entries pages that has their own pages and the comment will be shown only in such page, not depending on any section.
Site favicon update 2021-10-26 22:35
Site favicon updated. Image depicting the history of favicon is shown below.

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